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AIDS 2020 Satellite Session Presentations


Investigators and community collaborators of the California HIV/AIDS Policy Research Centers highlight recent rapid response research projects during the AIDS 2020 Live Satellite Session, which took place on July 6, 2020.


One of California's leading legislators on the issue of HIV and health disparities, State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) joins California HIV/AIDS Policy Research Centers' Craig Pulsipher of APLA Health to discuss how legislators use research to maximize policy impact.

Policy Research

Supporting timely, objective and rigorously conducted research and policy analysis.

In 2012, CHRP funded two Collaborative HIV/AIDS Policy Research Centers to support research and policy analysis that addressed critical issues related to HIV/AIDS care and prevention in California. These centers were comprised of multi-disciplinary teams of investigators working in partnership with consumers, advocates, and policymakers to conduct policy-relevant research that strengthened local, state, and national HIV. This research produced new knowledge that can be applied to improve prevention and care services for affected persons and populations.

The work of the research centers focused on a "rapid response," which entailed short-term research projects designed to quickly address questions that emerged in a dynamic health policy environment.

About the Centers

The California HIV/AIDS Policy Center (project abstract) is a collaboration between UCLA's Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services and AIDS Project Los Angeles, which includes the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center and Charles Drew University as subcontracting partners.

The AIDS Policy Research Center (project abstract) is a collaboration between the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at UCSF and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation which includes Project Inform as a subcontracting partner.

Policy briefs and papers

Policy briefs, reports, and research papers from the current grant cycle, 2016-2020: 

  • California HIV Laws [Policy Brief]
  • The Role of the 340B Drug Pricing Program in HIV-­‐Related Services in California [Policy Brief]
  • Immigrant Health: Implications for HIV Care in California [Fact Sheet]
  • California State Office of AIDS PrEP Assistance Program; PrEP-AP: Who will Benefit? [Info Sheet]
  • Addressing HIV Prevention Among Transmasculine Californians [Policy Brief]
  • HIV and Syphilis: Rising Rates for Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) [Policy Brief | Infographic]
  • HIV and Safer Drug Consumption Programs in California [Policy Brief]
  • Examining PrEP Uptake among Medi-Cal Beneficiaries in California: Differences by Age, Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Geographic Region [Brief Report]
  • Covered California Frequently Asked Questions For People Living with HIV and Hepatitis C and People Considering PrEP [FAQ]
  • Financial Assistance for PrEP: Best Practices & Recommendations for the California State Office of AIDS' PrEP Assistance Program [Policy Brief]
  • Tens of Thousands of Californians Living With HIV Would be Impacted by Medicaid Cuts Under the Senate Health Bill [Policy Brief]
  • The Affordable Housing Crisis: Impact on People Living with HIV in California [Policy Brief]

  • Vaccination Response to an Ongoing Meningitis Outbreak: Uptake and Attitudes among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Los Angeles, CA [Policy Brief]

  • Use of HIV Set-Aside Funding from the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant in California [Policy Brief]

  • Essential Health Benefits for Behavioral Health: Impact for Medi-Cal Recipients Living with HIV in California [Brief Report]

  • HIV Criminalization in California: What we know [Policy Brief]

  • PrEP Cost Analysis for Covered California Health Plans [Policy Brief | Infographic | Spanish Infographic]

  • Addressing PrEP Disparities among Young Gay and Bisexual Men in California [Policy Brief | Full Report]

The following policy briefs and research papers resulted from the 2012-2015 grant cycle:

The following policy briefs and papers resulted from the policy centers funded from 2009 to 2012: